Below, I have included the approved SCS Code of Conduct portion regarding School Bus Rules for 2024-25. If you have a student who rides the bus from Nelson or Caldwell (K-2), I encourage you to talk to your child about appropriate behavior on the school bus, from the school, to Club Wildcat each day. I have been informed this week that we are having some issues with students who do not wish to follow the rules. I will be making phone calls to parents regarding your child's bus behavior as it is reported to me. I kindly ask that you speak with your child and remind them of the rules and expectations, when traveling to Club Wildcat each day. We have discussed this at Club Wildcat as well.
If your child is suspended from the bus, your child will not be able to attend Club Wildcat. Please help me by talking to your child at home regarding expectations. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime.
Carrie Bradford
Attachment 02.03: Attachment III - School Bus Rules
1. While riding the bus, students shall be under the supervision of the driver and shall obey the driver at ALL times.
2. Students who are transported shall abide by the Code of Student Conduct while on the bus.
3. A student may be assigned a seat which he/she is expected to use at all times unless permission to change is given by the driver.
4. Outside of ordinary conversation, classroom conduct is to be observed.
5. Students will not be allowed to bring sharp objects, glass containers, balloons, living animals or anything deemed dangerous by the driver and school administration on the bus.
6. Horseplay will not be allowed.
7. No student shall at any time extend any part of his/her body out the windows, whether the bus is in motion or stopped.
8. Book bags and band instruments will be kept out of the isles.
9. Students will not be allowed to eat on the bus, except on extracurricular trips when teachers/chaperones are present. ANY mess made MUST be cleaned up!
10. Cursing, swearing, loud talking, obscene gestures or degrading comments about another person will not be allowed.
11. Students are responsible for ANY damages they make to the bus.
12. No standing while the bus is in motion.
13. No picture taking/video taking on the bus.
14. No throwing objects/paper IN or OUT of the bus.
15. No spraying (hair, make-up, perfume; etc.) any spray or aerosol on the bus.
16. No aerosol cans of any type allowed on the bus.
17. No talking at railroad crossing.
18. No smoking, vaping, tobacco products or drugs of any kind allowed on the bus.
19. Face the front, feet on the floor at all times.
20. A student who is willfully disobedient, who fights, or who destroys property while on a school bus may lose transportation privileges. Such loss of privilege can range from one day to permanent removal. For repeated misconduct, the length of the loss of privilege will increase. Serious misbehavior may result in suspension or expulsion from school.
21. Students shall leave the bus in an orderly fashion and only cross the highway in front of the bus. Student transportation is a privilege and a convenience and is conditioned upon good behavior and strict obedience to the rules of the Board of Education. Any driver having difficulty with a student which he/she feels is beyond their capability to remedy or for which they feel assistance is needed, shall report the condition and situation to the principal. After consultation, the principal may suspend the riding privileges of the student.